Monday, October 22, 2012

Did you like this book better than others? Why or Why not?

I liked this book better than others because it contains detail, suspense, action, and symbolism all in one. Harper Lee does a wonderful job of blending symbols with a page turning novel. Throughout the book I was constantly saying "ohh" when I realized an important metaphor or symbol. To Kill A Mockingbird was a book that has been popular for fifty years and now that I've read it, know exactly why. Harper Lee addresses the current issues as well as maturing issues in detail, and in symbolism. She achieved this incredible feat in only 322 pages. Harper Lee is truly an ingenious writer.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with Gary, and I think that Harper Lee does a wonderful job showing in her writing, and not always telling. She practically places pictures is your head by explaining each even with vivid details. It makes the book more interesting to read, and leaves you wanting more. She includes surprises, as well as explains events that were current at the time the book was written. It truly is a wonderful book that teaches about not only a little girl growing up, but what she sees and how she thinks. To Kill a Mockingbird makes you step in to someone else's shoes so you can see the world through a new pair of eyes.


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